
Published on:

6th Jul 2017

Marketing and Social with Sanjay - TZL 75 - ZWEIG MEDIA

Apps Mentioned


1. Slack —> slack.com —> Great Team Communication Tool. Randy mentioned how Gary Vaynerchuk’s company, Vaynermedia (vaynermedia.com) pretty much replaced email with Slack for internal communications.

2. Evernote —> evernote.com —> Super-versatile note-keeping app that integrates with a lot of other apps and hardware. Randy keeps records/saves everything on Evernote. He mentions that it is $69/month for the Premium plan, which includes 10GB storage. It’s actually $69/year.

3. Expensify —> expensify.com —> Expense reporting app. Randy uses this to track all of his expenses, especially when he goes on work trips. Expensify provides a unique email where you can forward receipts and it will automatically sort the receipt into the relevant folder set up for that trip/project.

4. bit.ly —> “+” hack —> Add a “+” to the end of a bit.ly short-link and you can see all metrics related to that link. Helps you track traffic to the target destination through that specific link. Works with any bit.ly link.

5. RunPee —> runpee.com —> An app that tells you when the best time to use the bathroom during a movie so that you don’t miss any of the important stuff!

6. iOS Podcast app —> Native on iOS

7. Stitcher Podcast App —> stitcher.com

8. Overcast Podcast App —> overcast.fm/

9. Podcast and Radio Addict (Android) —> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bambuna.podcastaddict&hl=en


People (and podcasts) Mentioned

Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee) —> garyvaynerchuk.com —> CEO of Vaynermedia, social media marketing wizard



James Altucher —> jamesaltucher.com —> Author, Entrepreneur



Tim Ferriss —> tim.blog —> Author, Entrepreneur, Professional Life Hacker


http://tim.blog/tim-ferriss-books/ —> Randy and Sanjay referenced Tim’s book, Tools of Titans

http://tim.blog/2009/12/08/no-more-excuses-how-to-make-an-extra-100000-in-the-next-6-months/ —> Randy and his wife were featured on Tim’s blog a little while back.


Serial —> https://serialpodcast.org —> Award-winning podcast that combines expert storytelling with controversial current events.


Sanjay’s Grocery “Lifehack!” —> Sanjay writes his grocery list in his notes app, screenshots it, and sets that screenshot as his phone background so he doesn’t have to unlock his phone to check his grocery list.


Brief Notes: In the first episode of the new TZL Podcast Life Hacker series, Randy and Sanjay run through some of the tech tools and “hacks” that make their lives and their work easier. The discuss touches upon the best apps to listen to podcasts (#meta), the best communication tool for teams within a company/organization, and even an app that lets you know the best time to use the bathroom during a movie!


The next episode will include “Life Hacks” for Health and Wellness.

Mentioned in this episode:


ATCO Structures

ATCO Trailers

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The Zweig Letter
Elevating The AEC Design Industry One Podcast Episode at a Time
The Zweig Group provides management information and expertise to architecture, engineering, planning, and environmental consulting firms worldwide. Our books, magazines, research reports, seminars, conferences, awards programs, and consulting services provide Design Firm leaders with the tools they need to be more successful! The Zweig Letter Podcast is a regular dose of ideas, topics, and information discussed in our Newsletter. The Zweig Letter is one of the longest-running newsletters in the Design Industry.

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