Data-Driven Decision Making in Design: Harnessing the Power of Analytics - Keith Sequeira
"The ability to access decades worth of industry data in seconds is a game-changer. It's time to leverage this knowledge and stay ahead of the competition."
Keith Sequeira, Zweig Group
🎙️ In our latest TZL Podcast episode, we dive into an enlightening chat with Zweig Group's data analytics guru, Keith Sequeira. We unpack how data is revolutionizing decision-making in design firms.
🌟 Key Highlights:
- Talent Attraction & Retention: Discover how the 'Best Firms to Work For' program is reshaping talent management in design firms. Keith shares insights on attracting and keeping top-notch professionals.
- Compensation Trends: Stay updated with the latest in compensation strategies. We delve into what it takes to offer competitive packages that resonate with today's workforce.
- The IT Edge: Learn how integrating IT can transform your firm's operations. We explore the benefits of technology in enhancing collaboration and sparking innovation in design projects.
- Embracing Remote Work: The Future of Work is Here! We discuss the shift towards remote working in the design industry, its advantages and challenges, and how to leverage it for better productivity and flexibility.
🤔 Your Turn: How is your firm using data analytics to stay competitive? Are strategic decisions driven by data insights?
All of this and much more are on this episode of The Zweig Letter Podcast.
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